Zouk with Joy

April 22, 2009

I had a wide gaping hole in my trousers (where my wallet was) – knew it, still put it on and went to Zouk Malaysia for the first time ever with Joy, a buddy from my college days in the states who was in town visiting.

As we reminised, we were reminded by how fond we were of each other, how we influenced each other, and of how those years influenced the outcome of whom we have become. As we continued hanging out the 4 days he was here, perhaps we would have caught a glimpse of who we will turn out to be as well.

Painfully cool barsonic

Painfully cool barsonic

On Saturday we went to Zouk, and perhaps because we bought a jug of long island ice tea for RM 60, and could not leave without finishing it, spent most of our time in barsonic (one of the 5 dancefloors in Zouk).  Perhaps because it was the most anti-britney room, it also housed the strangest clientele.  I couldn’t stop staring at a group of gay boys dressed up in the most painfully cool attire, and couldn’t decide if the buttoned up plaid shirts, hosed down hair, white rimmed glasses – the whole fresh-off-the-boat look was done on purpose, or a “fun” accident.  

Later in the evening, we went to another room where I met Ivo, a brasilian friend with his brasilian mates, one of whom was the ambassador’s daughter. We partied on until closing at 3 am.

Felt like college all over again.

Postscript: Joy has recently become the managing director of KPMG in NYC. Updated 28 sept ’10.


April 14, 2009

Insomnia is a wonderful thing. You get the run of the house, do what you want, and nobody’s around in the dead of the night.  I get to read, surf the net, smoke a few cigarettes, drink coke.

But just as quickly, fatique steps in, and you’d want to sleep.

Sonambulism is so passe.

p-pop-portrait-1-lucyIt probably didn’t exist while I was at school in Boston, or I’d certainly been a regular patron, but the MOBA archives and tributes serious, yet really bad art.


From the curator:

The motion, the chair, the sway of her breast, the subtle hues of the sky, the expression on her face — every detail combines to create this transcendent and compelling portrait, every detail cries out “masterpiece.”






A remarkable fusion of ski resort and wolf puppy — stoical in his yellow-eyed silence, frozen beneath the ice-capped peak, Dog elequently challenges the viewer to rexamine old concepts of landscape.